Marcus Practice Solutions, Inc.

dental marketing & practice specialists for over 30 years

Marcus Practice Solutions, Inc.

dental marketing & practice specialists for over 30 years

Practice Accelerator Program

A Focused 3-Month Coaching Plan with Judy Marcus


A form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance. Coaching differs from mentoring by focusing on specific tasks or objectives, as opposed to more general goals or overall development.

Why Coaching?

Dr. M. was in her 50s, still hadn’t funded retirement, and had just spent tens of thousands of dollars and the better part of a year doing seminars and courses to try and resolve the lack of production in her small solo practice. When she sat down to meet with me, her first words were: “That’s it! I’m selling my practice! I can’t handle the stress anymore! I’m done!” Instead, we reviewed what was going on in her practice and in one hour we isolated exactly what was causing the stress and keeping her practice from achieving its potential. Then we made a simple plan to fix it. She implemented our plan the very next day and the problem was gone! Her collections increased significantly the following month to over $80,000, and her overhead decreased to an all-time low. Now her financial goals were finally in reach.

That’s why coaching – Because time matters.

While you could go in for lengthy programs of seminars and courses, long hours of videos and podcasts (where you have to figure it all out yourself), expensive in-office consultants (who leave, and then you’re on your own again), how quickly you see results is important.

Every month your practice doesn’t produce and collect what it could have is a month lost that you never get back. 

” The systems I learned from Judy were very simple and the results were practically instantaneous. The return on investment has been quite dramatic.“ – MR, DDS

Getting information is good. Having someone with decades of experience and success personally guide you through the right steps for YOUR practice is better.

This is why every one of my startup, scratch practice clients has been able to achieve a “million-dollar practice” in less than a year.

Practices that are already up and running can reach their goals and potential in a lot less time since there are fewer steps involved.

My focused and individualized coaching makes it happen fast – starting within the first month.

How Does my Coaching Help?

My first step before you even decide to do my program, is to assess your practice situation: its current performance, location and demographics, and your specific goals. Based on this assessment we’ll identify the points that need to be addressed for you to see the most immediate and significant benefit. I’ll explain exactly what needs to be done to correct or improve these points.

If you decide to work with me, we’ll get started right away on remedying those areas of the practice that will have the greatest impact on production, collections and the bottom line, and assist you to build a Non-Insurance-Driven Practice as rapidly as possible, without changing any clinical aspect of how you diagnose or treat your patients.

These areas include, as needed:

Attracting Quality New Patients

There are 2 critical errors being made by almost every practice that is not seeing enough quality new patients. These are very common and if you’re making them, they’re drastically reducing the effectiveness of whatever marketing you’re doing. In my free assessment appointment, I explain what these 2 errors are and how to fix them to immediately start getting more new patient phone calls within 4 – 6 weeks.

If all you need is a sufficient flow of quality new patients, I’ll give you the precise methods to accomplish this along with how to implement them with virtually zero effort on your part. No further coaching necessary.

"With Judy’s help, we dialed in a marketing strategy to bring in quality new patients from Day One and the results occurred exactly as planned! In our first month, we saw over 30 new patients... " - JK, DDS

Effectively Scheduling New Patient Phone Calls

A major source of lost production and income are the new patients that call in but don’t schedule and arrive. This problem, often hidden from view, can cost a practice up to 50% of its potential new patients!

I compiled the exact procedures used by practices with a proven track record of scheduling nearly 100% of their new patient phone calls. These procedures are contained in my Expert New Patient Scheduling Manual, which I provide as a foundation to my coaching.

I coach all front office staff on these protocols until they’ve fully acquired the skill and confidence to guide every potential new patient that calls in to schedule and arrive in the practice.

"I learned exactly how I could acquire qualified new patients... and I learned the precise systems for my practice that have allowed me to experience rapid and sustainable growth with a great team (well beyond my expectations)... " - DP, DDS

Helping Patients Prioritize their Health and Accept the Treatment they Need

When patients won’t accept and pay for their necessary care, want to “wait” or only accept what their insurance will cover, they lose, and so does the practice. This is a struggle for many practices, and a big part of how they end up becoming “insurance-driven”. 

When I coach my clients and their staff on my specific method and approach, they are often surprised at how fast and how easily case presentations become a pleasant and rewarding experience for themselves, their team and their patients.

Once they understand why patients put off or decline treatment and what to do about it and start putting the correct pieces in place, they immediately experience a much higher acceptance rate. This is the fastest way that most practices see a significant increase in production and collections just with the patients they’re already seeing.

Then when they bring in more new patients (if they need to) they’re set up for success and the practice continue to improve.

"We learned how to help our patients prioritize needed treatment so that today we aren’t affected by insurance limitations. We actually started getting results from the program on the first day after we started! Our production went up and stayed up." - PN, DDS

Organizing the Team for Increased Productivity Minus the Stress

I have an ideal practice structure that enables my clients to comfortably support and maintain $75,000 – $95,000 or more in monthly production and collections. This makes for an efficient team that takes care of essential day-to-day functions and allows the dentist to focus on providing quality clinical care. 

I help my clients implement this structure simultaneously with improving other aspects of the practice. They routinely tell me that even though they’ve grown their practice by $20,000 – $50,000 or more per month, it’s easier and less stressful than before. Staff are happier and more motivated, and the practice is overall a more enjoyable place to work

My streamlined practice model also helps keep overhead in check, allowing for excellent profitability while maintaining a 4-day work week.

"Well the result has been MUCH higher new patient flow, much higher production and collections… (We grew rapidly and are averaging about $30,000 more per month than we ever did before.) And it’s actually easier and less stressful than ever. We implement the changes recommended, and like flipping a switch, production and collections improve." - KF, DDS

Controlling Overhead and Optimizing Profitability

Even before working with dental practices, I helped organizations with financial control and efficiency. With rising costs in just about every aspect of running a practice, understanding and managing expenses is more important than ever. 

I have developed a proprietary Profit Calculation Spreadsheet, specific to private dental practices, that I share with my clients right from the start to help them identify and eliminate current or potential “profit killers”, so they are properly compensated as their practice grows.

Understanding expenses and profitability is vital for future planning and goal setting, and also assists with creating workable staff incentives, something many dentists ask me about. 

Very often when we review my spreadsheet together, clients comment they can finally see exactly how to make the income they want, and that making it is much closer than they ever thought.

understanding financials or perhaps that their profitability/goals were closer than they ever thoguht possible.

Insurance Assessment

Many practice owners are nervous about dropping insurance plans, but are extremely unhappy with the the way it is dictating and holding back their practice.

As applicable, I review insurance plans in connection with the financial information provided by the practice to determine their viability.

If and when determined that a plan isn’t optimal for the practice, I assist in the necessary steps to get out. Including how to notify patients, and the proper steps that need to be taken to ensure moving out of network immediately results in growth, ease and often more take home, rather than loss of collections and income for the practice.

Getting out of insurance, fast, immediate growth.

Hiring Assistance - As Needed

When or if necessary based on the growth of the practice, or if a current staff should depart, I take a hands on approach to getting practices the best staff, as quickly and easily as can possible.

I suggest specific ad verbiage and where to post it, review resumes, contact and pre-interview candidates directly, make my recommendations and set up good options for meetings with the practice owner.

I also provide specific recommendations on salary/wages/benefits in line with your finances to ensure it is viable, and attractive to good employee prospects.

Some example.

How do you see results as quickly as the first month?

With our initial assessment, we almost always can identify areas of the practice where you are actually “losing” money right now. I don’t mean via spending, but what we call “lost income”. This is the money you should be bringing in but aren’t.

In nearly every case, a practice that is underperforming, is not as successful as they could and should be in at least 2 major areas, specifically scheduling, and case acceptance. Without adding to your overhead, I identify where this is happening and within the first 30 days my coaching is focused on maximizing the resources you already have, we expect you to be able to see a positive ROI right away.


The above is a real world example of a client before and after our initial work together, and it is not uncommon. Without changing what treatment they were presenting, coaching them on “big cases” or anything unnecessary like that. We simply improved on what they were already doing. They didn’t have to spend a dime on marketing, but improved $20,000/month in production, immediately. This same practice improved even further the following month, and in less than 90 days had reached their goal, no longer needing assistance, and without any increased expense.

The amount of potential improvement can differ practice to practice, and it may not be possible for every practice to get away with no marketing, but I have yet to find a practice without significant improvement potential in these areas. Improving upon them can absolutely be done within 30 days unless you simply have no patients at all.

Some example.

How does the program work?

Length and Time

My Practice Accelerator Program is a 3 month program. It takes about 3 months on average to properly coach a practice and staff on all the different and relevant aspects of the program to see significant improvement. 

Cost & Commitment

Thought the program is 3 months, it is paid month-to-month with no contracted length of time.

The cost I would rather tell you directly, as compared to so many expensive programs out there it can seem unbelievable. What I will say is I have never had anyone claim it was unaffordable, and if a single additional crown or treatment plan is accepted it would MORE than cover it.

One Expert Coach

I work directly with every office including its staff. There is no other coach, so you know who you are getting every single time, and all coaching is one to one with your office, never in a group setting with other practices.

I will bring in on specific subjects my partner Chris Marcus who is an expert on all things marketing for dental practices to help in this area.

No Travel

All coaching is delivered in scheduled sessions, during business hours. It is done over the phone and via video conference. I am also regularly available via e-mail and text for my clients.

Reference Library

I offer a fully stocked online reference library, available 24/7 for you and your staff, including supplementary videos, articles, checklists and other resources, to be used in conjunction with the direct and specific coaching. 

30 Day Guarantee

I expect you will see immediate ROI, and feel confident moving forward together into the future, within the first 30 days. But if you do not for any reason, you can get your money back in that first month and end things there.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

The First Step
Production & Profitability Assessment

  • 1 hour free over-the-phone appointment with me
  • A thorough explanation of the
    Non-Insurance Driven practice and how I can help you in your practice.
  • A detailed new patient marketing plan that can be easily activated in a few weeks.
  • Insights into what patients in your local area really want and how to make your practice the obvious choice for them.
  • A step-by-step plan to reach your practice goals in 3 months, while seeing immediate improvement in the next 30 days.