Marcus Practice Solutions, Inc.

dental marketing & practice specialists for over 30 years

Marcus Practice Solutions, Inc.

dental marketing & practice specialists for over 30 years

Make Every New Patient Phone Call Count

- Judy Marcus, President/Client Coach

To have a non-insurance-driven practice, you can’t afford to have your marketing efforts wasted by errors in handling new patient phone calls. One prospective new patient that calls in but doesn’t schedule and arrive is one too many!

To solve this, I surveyed numerous successful dental offices that had a proven track record of scheduling all, or nearly all, of the new patients calling in from their marketing.

Based on this research, I compiled all the questions new patient callers typically ask, and the best practices for addressing them, and put these together in my Expert New Patient Scheduling Manual.

This manual is provided to your front office staff and is the foundation for my coaching. I work with them on applying my effective protocols to the point where they can smoothly and confidently take care of any situation that comes up and, most importantly, schedule the new patients that should be coming into your practice.

It normally doesn’t take more than one or two coaching sessions for staff to become comfortably able to convert these calls into new patients arriving in your practice.

Even with practices that feel they don’t have a problem in this area, I always find there’s some room for improvement. There’s no downside to scheduling more quality new patients! 

My goal is that 100% of your new patients calling in get scheduled and arrive. It can be done, and it’s not complicated.

I’ve even had client practices that scheduled more than 100% of the new patient calls coming in! I asked one practice that was routinely scheduling at 105% how they did it, and they told me they not only were scheduling the new patient that called in, but often getting the rest of the family to schedule appointments as well.

“The result has been MUCH higher new patient flow…” – KF, DDS

“I’m bringing in more quality new patients and it’s making a big difference in the production.” – JG, DDS