Marcus Practice Solutions, Inc.

dental marketing & practice specialists for over 30 years

Marcus Practice Solutions, Inc.

dental marketing & practice specialists for over 30 years

Finding and Hiring Quality Staff in Today’s Employment Market

- Judy Marcus, President/Client Coach

I understand that needing to hire someone, either to support practice growth, or because an employee has left or is leaving is one of the more challenging problems to deal with as a small practice employer, especially in recent years.

There’s a lot of competition for qualified candidates, not to mention higher costs for hiring and retaining good staff. It can be difficult to give this the time it deserves when you’re busy treating patients most days.

If you need to hire, I will provide suggested verbiage for employment ads, advise on appropriate salaries and wages to offer, and help you develop attractive and manageable employee incentive plans.

For specific positions, I will also review applicants’ resumes, select out those that appear qualified, and contact them for an over the phone interview with me. So you only have to spend time with candidates who are likely to be a good fit for your practice.

With my help, hiring a new employee can be accomplished faster and with a lot less work on your part.

A couple of weeks ago, one of my clients unexpectedly lost a key front office employee due to personal family circumstances. I helped him locate and coordinate interviews with multiple potential candidates. Much to his relief, he’s been able select someone who will be a perfect fit for his practice and is even more qualified than the person who left!

Once the right person is hired, I’ll assist you in bringing them up to speed to where you are on my program, so you can continue progressing towards your non-insurance-driven practice as rapidly as possible.

“I have a staff that is supportive and goal-oriented. My office is smooth-running, organized, and happy.” - JL, DDS

“I’ve established a wonderful team that works together smoothly and efficiently.” – IM, DDS

“… the assistance I needed to establish a well-trained and efficient team, allowing me the time to concentrate on giving quality care to my patients, while growing the practice and increasing my personal income at the same time.” – AA, DDS